풀 메탈 자켓 (1987)

페이지 정보

더러운 세상... 하지만 나는 살아남았다
조커와 로렌스, 카우보이 등은 베트남전에 참전하기 위해 입대한 신병들이다. 이들은 전투 베테랑인 하트만 상사의 교육하에 철두철미한 해병으로 다시 태어나기 위해 훈련을 받는다. 뚱뚱하고 약간 지능이 모자라는 로렌스는 신병 교육대 최고의 고문관으로, 고된 훈련을 겪는 이들은 로렌스로 인해 자신들이 얼차려를 받게 되는 사실이 싫다. 언제부터인가 로렌스는 자신의 총과 대화를 나누고, 훈련생들은 그가 어딘지 모르게 달라지고 있다는 사실을 느낀다. 8주간의 훈련이 끝나갈 무렵, 윗 침대에서 자고있어야 할 로렌스가 사라진 것을 알게된 조커는 화장실에서 그를 찾아내는데...
조커와 로렌스, 카우보이 등은 베트남전에 참전하기 위해 입대한 신병들이다. 이들은 전투 베테랑인 하트만 상사의 교육하에 철두철미한 해병으로 다시 태어나기 위해 훈련을 받는다. 뚱뚱하고 약간 지능이 모자라는 로렌스는 신병 교육대 최고의 고문관으로, 고된 훈련을 겪는 이들은 로렌스로 인해 자신들이 얼차려를 받게 되는 사실이 싫다. 언제부터인가 로렌스는 자신의 총과 대화를 나누고, 훈련생들은 그가 어딘지 모르게 달라지고 있다는 사실을 느낀다. 8주간의 훈련이 끝나갈 무렵, 윗 침대에서 자고있어야 할 로렌스가 사라진 것을 알게된 조커는 화장실에서 그를 찾아내는데...

매슈 모딘
Pvt. Joker

Adam Baldwin
Animal Mother

빈센트 도노프리오
Pvt. Pyle

R. 리 이메이
Gny. Sgt. Hartman

Dorian Harewood

Kevyn Major Howard

Arliss Howard
Pvt. Cowboy

Ed O'Ross
Lt. Touchdown

John Terry
Lt. Lockhart

Kieron Jecchinis
Crazy Earl

Kirk Taylor

Tim Colceri

Jon Stafford
Doc Jay

Bruce Boa
Poge Colonel

Ian Tyler
Lt. Cleves

Sal Lopez
T.H.E. Rock

Gary Landon Mills

Papillon Soo
Da Nang Hooker

Peter Edmund
Ngoc Le
V.C. Sniper
Leanne Hong
Motorbike Hooker
Tan Hung Francione

Marcus D'Amico
Hand Job
Costas Dino Chimona
Gil Kopel

Keith Hodiak
Daddy DA
Peter Merrill
TV Journalist

Herbert Norville
Daytona Dave
Nguyen Hue Phong
Camera Thief
Duc Hu Ta
Dead N.V.A.
Martin Adams
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Kevin Albridge
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Del Anderson
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon

Philip Bailey
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Louis Barlotti
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
John Beddows
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Patrick Benn
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Steve Boucher
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Adrian Bush
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Tony Carey
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Gary Cheeseman
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Wayne Clark
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Chris Cornibert
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Danny Cornibert
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
John Curtis
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
John Davis
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Harry Davies
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Kevin Day
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Gordon Duncan
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Phil Elmer
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Colin Elvis
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Hadrian Follett
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Sean Frank
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
David George
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Laurie Gomes
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Brian Goodwin
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Nigel Goulding
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Tony Hague
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Steve Hands
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Chris Harris
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Robert E. Hartenberger
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Derek Hart
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Barry Hayes
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Tony Hayes
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Robin Hedgeland
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Duncan Henry
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Kenneth Head
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Liam Hogan
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Trevor Hogan
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Luke Hogdal
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon

Steve Hudson
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Tony Howard
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Sean Lamming
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Dan Landin
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Tony Leete
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Nigel Lough
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Terry Lowe
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Frank McCardle
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Gary Meyer
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Brett Middleton
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
David Milner
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Sean Minmagh
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Tony Minmagh
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
John Morrison
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Russell Mott
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
John Ness
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Robert Booth Nichols
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon

David Perry
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Peter Rommely
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Pat Sands
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Jim Sarup
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Chris Maybach
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Al Simpson
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Russell Slater
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Gary Smith
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Roger Smith
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Tony Smith
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Anthony Styliano
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Bill Thompson
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Mike Turjansky
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Dan Weldon
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Dennis Wells
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
Michael Anthony Williams
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
John Wilson
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon
John Wonderling
Parris Island Recruit and Vietnam Platoon

Vivian Kubrick
News Camera Operator at Mass Grave (uncredited)

스탠리 큐브릭
Murphy (voice) (uncredited)

John Ward
TV Camera Operator (uncredited)

David Palffy
Mass Grave Soldier (uncredited)
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