뮬란 (1998)


페이지 정보

뮬란 (1998)
장르 애니메이션, 가족, 모험
감독 Tony Bancroft, Barry Cook
러닝타임 88분
언어 en
평점 7.905 / 10
개봉일 1998-06-18
배급/제작사 Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Feature Animation
국가 United States of America
원제목 Mulan
출연진 밍나 원, 에디 머피, BD Wong, 미겔 페러, Harvey Fierstein, Freda Foh Shen, June Foray, 제임스 홍 외 45명


아버지를 대신해 전장에 나간 소녀


파씨 가문의 말썽꾸러기 외동딸 뮬란은 선머슴 같은 성격에 강한 자아를 가지고 있어, 가문의 명예를 걸고 중매쟁이를 만나러 가서도 거듭되는 실수로 퇴짜를 맞게 된다. 뮬란은 나름대로는 부모님과 가문의 자랑이 되려고 노력하지만 그것이 그녀에게는 쉬운 일은 아니다. 한편, 훈족이 국경을 침략하자 황제는 가문에 한 사람씩 전쟁터로 나가라는 징집 명령을 내린다. 파씨 가문 역시 징집 명령을 받게 되고, 충성심이 강한 아버지는 전쟁에 나갈 준비를 한다. 그러나 뮬란은 지병이 있는 아버지가 전쟁에 나가도록 할 순 없다고 결심하고, 마침내 아버지 대신 갑옷을 입고 전쟁터로 향하게 된다.


밍나 원
밍나 원
Mulan (voice)
에디 머피
에디 머피
Mushu (voice)
BD Wong
BD Wong
Shang (voice)
미겔 페러
미겔 페러
Shan-Yu (voice)
Harvey Fierstein
Harvey Fierstein
Yao (voice)
Freda Foh Shen
Freda Foh Shen
Fa Li (voice)
June Foray
June Foray
Grandmother Fa (voice)
제임스 홍
제임스 홍
Chi Fu (voice)
Miriam Margolyes
Miriam Margolyes
The Matchmaker (voice)
Pat Morita
Pat Morita
The Emperor (voice)
Marni Nixon
Marni Nixon
Grandmother Fa (singing voice)
Soon-Tek Oh
Soon-Tek Oh
Fa Zhou (voice)
Donny Osmond
Donny Osmond
Shang (singing voice)
Lea Salonga
Lea Salonga
Mulan (singing voice)
James Shigeta
James Shigeta
General Li (voice)
조지 타케이
조지 타케이
First Ancestor (voice)
Jerry Tondo
Jerry Tondo
Chien-Po (voice)
Gedde Watanabe
Gedde Watanabe
Ling (voice)
프랭크 웰커
프랭크 웰커
Khan / Additional Voices (voice)
Matthew Wilder
Matthew Wilder
Ling (singing voice)
Tom Amundsen
Tom Amundsen
Additional Voices (voice)
Arminae Austen
Arminae Austen
Additional Voices (voice)
Mary Kay Bergman
Mary Kay Bergman
Additional Voices (voice)
Susan Boyd
Susan Boyd
Additional Voices (voice)
Julianne Buescher
Julianne Buescher
Additional Voices (singing voice)
Steve Bulen
Steve Bulen
Additional Voices (voice)
Corey Burton
Corey Burton
Additional Voices (voice)
Mitch Carter
Mitch Carter
Additional Voices (voice)
Robert Clotworthy
Robert Clotworthy
Additional Voices (voice)
David Cowgill
David Cowgill
Additional Voices (voice)
Sally Dworsky
Sally Dworsky
Additional Voices (voice)
Beth Fowler
Beth Fowler
Additional Voices (voice)
Donald Fullilove
Donald Fullilove
Additional Voices (voice)
Elisa Gabrielli
Elisa Gabrielli
Additional Voices (voice)
Jack Gilpin
Jack Gilpin
Additional Voices (voice)
Sandie Hall
Sandie Hall
Additional Voices (voice)
Richard Steven Horvitz
Richard Steven Horvitz
Additional Voices (voice)
Linda Kerns
Linda Kerns
Additional Voices (voice)
Matthew Labyorteaux
Matthew Labyorteaux
Additional Voices (voice)
Additional Voices (voice)
Dana Lee
Dana Lee
Additional Voices (voice)
Edie Lehmann Boddicker
Edie Lehmann Boddicker
Additional Voices (voice)
Luisa Leschin
Luisa Leschin
Additional Voices (voice)
Christina Ma
Christina Ma
Additional Voices (voice)
Susan McBride
Susan McBride
Additional Voices (voice)
Haunani Minn
Haunani Minn
Additional Voices (voice)
Edie Mirman
Edie Mirman
Additional Voices (voice)
Mark Moseley
Mark Moseley
Additional Voices (voice)
Patrick Pinney
Patrick Pinney
Additional Voices (voice)
Peter Renaday
Peter Renaday
Additional Voices (voice)
Maurita L. Thornburgh
Maurita L. Thornburgh
Additional Voices (voice)
John Walcutt
John Walcutt
Additional Voices (voice)
Claudette Wells
Claudette Wells
Additional Voices (voice)
추천 0 비추천 0


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