포레스트 검프 (1994)


페이지 정보

포레스트 검프 (1994)
장르 코미디, 드라마, 로맨스
감독 로버트 저메키스
러닝타임 142분
언어 en
평점 8.468 / 10
개봉일 1994-06-23
배급/제작사 Paramount Pictures, The Steve Tisch Company, Wendy Finerman Productions
국가 United States of America
원제목 Forrest Gump
출연진 톰 행크스, 로빈 라이트, 게리 시나이즈, 샐리 필드, Mykelti Williamson, Michael Conner Humphreys, Hanna Hall, 헤일리 조엘 오스먼트 외 168명


인생은 초콜릿 상자와 같은 거야. 네가 무엇을 고를지 아무도 모른단다


불편한 다리, 남들보다 조금 떨어지는 지능을 가진 포레스트 검프는 헌신적인 어머니의 보살핌과 첫사랑 제니와의 만남으로 편견과 괴롭힘 속에서도 따뜻한 마음을 지니고 성장한다. 또래들의 괴롭힘을 피해 도망치던 포레스트는 누구보다 빠르게 달릴 수 있는 자신의 재능을 깨닫는다. 그의 재능을 알아 본 대학에서 그를 미식축구 선수로 발탁하고, 졸업 후에도 뛰어난 신체능력으로 군에 들어가 무공훈장을 수여받는 등 탄탄한 인생 가도에 오르게 된 포레스트. 하지만 어머니가 병에 걸려 죽음을 맞이하고, 첫사랑 제니 역시 그의 곁을 떠나가며 다시 한 번 인생의 전환점을 맞이하게 되는데...


톰 행크스
톰 행크스
Forrest Gump
로빈 라이트
로빈 라이트
Jenny Curran
게리 시나이즈
게리 시나이즈
Lieutenant Dan Taylor
샐리 필드
샐리 필드
Mrs. Gump
Mykelti Williamson
Mykelti Williamson
Bubba Blue
Michael Conner Humphreys
Michael Conner Humphreys
Young Forrest Gump
Hanna Hall
Hanna Hall
Young Jenny Curran
헤일리 조엘 오스먼트
헤일리 조엘 오스먼트
Forrest Junior
Siobhan Fallon Hogan
Siobhan Fallon Hogan
School Bus Driver
Rebecca Williams
Rebecca Williams
Nurse at Park Bench
Bob Penny
Bob Penny
Harold G. Herthum
Harold G. Herthum
George Kelly
George Kelly
John Randall
John Randall
Sam Anderson
Sam Anderson
Principal Hancock
Margo Moorer
Margo Moorer
Ione M. Telech
Ione M. Telech
Elderly Woman
Christine Seabrook
Christine Seabrook
Elderly Woman's Daughter
John Worsham
John Worsham
Southern Gentleman / Landowner
Peter Dobson
Peter Dobson
Young Elvis Presley
Alexander Zemeckis
Alexander Zemeckis
School Bus Boy
Logan Livingston Gomez
Logan Livingston Gomez
School Bus Boy
Ben Waddel
Ben Waddel
School Bus Boy
Elizabeth Hanks
Elizabeth Hanks
School Bus Girl
Tyler Long
Tyler Long
Red Headed Boy
Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones
Boy with Cross
Grady Bowman
Grady Bowman
Fat Boy
Kevin Mangan
Kevin Mangan
Jenny's Father
Fay Genens
Fay Genens
Jenny's Grandmother
Frank Geyer
Frank Geyer
Police Chief
Rob Landry
Rob Landry
Red Headed Teen
Jason McGuire
Jason McGuire
Fat Teen
Pete Auster
Pete Auster
Teen with Cross
Sonny Shroyer
Sonny Shroyer
College Football Coach
Brett Rice
Brett Rice
High School Football Coach
Ed Davis
Ed Davis
High School Football Coach
Daniel C. Striepeke
Daniel C. Striepeke
Bruce Lucvia
Bruce Lucvia
Kick Off Return Player
David Brisbin
David Brisbin
Kirk Ward
Kirk Ward
Angela Lomas
Angela Lomas
Black Student
Timothy Record
Timothy Record
Black Student
Deborah McTeer
Deborah McTeer
Woman with Child on Park Bench
Mark Matheisen
Mark Matheisen
Jenny's Date
Al Harrington
Al Harrington
Local Anchor #1
Jed Gillin
Jed Gillin
President John F. Kennedy (voice)
Bob Harks
Bob Harks
University Dean
Don Fischer
Don Fischer
Army Recruiter
Kenneth Bevington
Kenneth Bevington
Army Bus Driver
Michael Flannery
Michael Flannery
Bus Recruit
Gary Robinson
Gary Robinson
Bus Recruit
Marlena Smalls
Marlena Smalls
Bubba's Mother
Kitty K. Green
Kitty K. Green
Bubba's Great Grandmother
Afemo Omilami
Afemo Omilami
Drill Sergeant
Matt Wallace
Matt Wallace
Barracks Recruit
Danté McCarthy
Danté McCarthy
Topless Girl
Paulie DiCocco
Paulie DiCocco
Mike Jolly
Mike Jolly
Club Patron
Michael Kemmerling
Michael Kemmerling
Club Patron
John Voldstad
John Voldstad
Club Patron
Jeffrey Winner
Jeffrey Winner
Club Patron
Russ Wilson
Russ Wilson
Pick-up Truck Driver
Daniel J. Gillooly
Daniel J. Gillooly
Helicopter Gunman
Calvin Gadsden
Calvin Gadsden
Sargeant Sims
Aaron Izbicki
Aaron Izbicki
Michael Burgess
Michael Burgess
Steven Griffith
Steven Griffith
Bill Roberson
Bill Roberson
Fat Man at Bench
Michael McFall
Michael McFall
Army Hospital Male Nurse
Eric Underwood
Eric Underwood
Mail Call Soldier
Steve DeRelian
Steve DeRelian
Wounded Soldier
Byron Minns
Byron Minns
Wounded Soldier
Stephen Bridgewater
Stephen Bridgewater
Hospital Officer
Bonnie Ann Burgess
Bonnie Ann Burgess
Army Nurse
Scott Oliver
Scott Oliver
National Correspondent #1
John William Galt
John William Galt
President Johnson (voice)
Hilary Chaplain
Hilary Chaplain
Isabel Rose
Isabel Rose
Jay Ross
Jay Ross
Veteran at War Rally
Richard D'Alessandro
Richard D'Alessandro
Abbie Hoffman
Dick Stilwell
Dick Stilwell
Policeman at War Rally
Kevin Davis
Kevin Davis
Black Panther
Michael Jace
Michael Jace
Black Panther
Geoffrey Blake
Geoffrey Blake
Tim Perry
Tim Perry
Hippie at Commune
Vanessa Roth
Vanessa Roth
Hollywood Boulevard Girlfriend
Emily Carey
Emily Carey
Hollywood Boulevard Girlfriend
Paul Raczkowski
Paul Raczkowski
Man in VW Bug
Chinese Ping Pong Player
Dick Cavett
Dick Cavett
Dick Cavett
Joe Stefanelli
Joe Stefanelli
John Lennon (voice)
Tiffany Salerno
Tiffany Salerno
Marla Sucharetza
Marla Sucharetza
Aloysius Gigl
Aloysius Gigl
Musician Boyfriend
Jack Bowden
Jack Bowden
National Correspondent #4
Joe Alaskey
Joe Alaskey
President Nixon (voice)
Lazarus Jackson
Lazarus Jackson
Discharge Officer
W. Benson Terry
추천 0 비추천 0


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